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lyrical dance


Lyrical dance is a combination of ballet and jazz. Quite often lyrics from songs inspire the choreography and the result is a style that focuses on strong emotion.


The dancers’ bodies and the moves they create tell a story and are highly emotive.


During our classes, our pupils will learn about technique but will also have the opportunity to create their own choreography.


Recently some of the older pupils created their own performance and included British Sign Language which helped the academy receive a highly commended award for inclusivity at a recent Dance Business Award conference.

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Ballet is a classical dance form full of grace and precision and is the basic foundation for most dance forms. Choreography is intricate and delicate and creates flowing patterns, leading to expression through movement. Ballet is great for posture, flexibility and balance.


Our ballerinas not only learn important ballet technique, they also research ballets, create their own choreography and design costumes to totally immerse themselves in the whole process of being a ballerina.

modern dance


Modern dance is a highly expressive style of dance that includes elements of Ballet.


Modern dance is about expression, rather than following a rigid set of postures or technical positions as Ballet dancers do.


Our Modern dancers learn to be creative through dance, they also build strength and use improvisation skills when choreographing their own dances.

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dance cirque


Dance Cirque is a brand new programme at Premier  Drama Academy for children age 6+, developed in Australia for dance schools around the world.



Students classes include interactive circuits, lyra, silks, trapeze, juggling, hula hoops and more all under the supervision of our fully qualified teachers.



Great for both boys and girls - you don't need to be a dancer to take part! Students work through level cards meaning everyone can progress at their own pace with no pressure but always with a sense of achievement.


Amazing for cognitive development, strength, flexibility but most importantly confidence.



In Drama, pupils use skills such as vocal projection, physical expression, imagination and clarity of speech to perform poetry and scripts.



Drama is useful for many life skills such as team work, self confidence, creativity, critical thinking and problem solving. Drama is fun and many strong friendships are formed.

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Our Premier classes, enable students to immerse themselves in dynamic  sessions filled with Drama, Street Dance, and Circus arts. 
In the drama segment of the Premier class, students will explore the captivating world of storytelling, character development, and improvisation.

Get ready to groove and move in the Street Dance portion of the class! From hip-hop to breakdancing, students will learn a variety of urban dance styles that will not only improve their physical fitness but also boost their self-esteem as they master each new move. It's not just about dancing; it's about feeling the rhythm and expressing yourself through movement.

 In the Circus segment, students will explore the exciting world of juggling, aerial skills, and other circus tricks. This segment not only provides a fun and unique form of physical activity but also challenges students to push their boundaries and build impressive skills that will leave them in awe of their newfound capabilities.

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